If its Sunday we must be in Manchester. Home of the Smiths, Joy Division and New Order. Oh my god, it must have been the suicide capital of the UK during that time. Or maybe people took solace in the fact that it also spawned Happy Mondays and the Stone Roses and the Fall and Inspiral Carpets. Oh no, wait , those bands were fucking crap as well. At least the Chemical Brothers formed in Manchester. As awesome as they are, when the best music to come out of a city is made by 2 guys with computers, how does it get such a reputation for being a big rock n roll town? I guess the Madchester Sound had a heavy influence on Primal Scream’s “Screamadelica” OK, Im not being a total Debbie Downer on the town. Even though when I woke up on Sunday, almost nothing in the entire city was open. God fearing fuckers.
Author Archives: Jake
making tragedy happen in the uk v 1.6
A night off. On a Saturday. The Wildhearts were off to play some biker fest called Hard Rock Hell were they were co-headlining with Black Label Society. It must have ben put on by some pinko commie faction of Bikers, as they didnt invite Tragedy, but once we found out that Manchester United had a home match that day, it was fine with us. After much scrambling and hoop jumping by our fearless roadie Tommy Rockstar, we had secured 6 tickets for the match through the Man U Fan Ticket Exchange program – otherwise known as an in house scalping network run by, and profited by, the team itself. Genius!
To the place, I belong;
To Old Trafford, to see United;
Take me home, United road
making tragedy happen in the uk v 1.5
Oxford. College Town. Felt like any Collegetown USA but with much better looking buildings, and much worse looking chicks. The venue was smack dab in the middle of “High Street” – across from Planet Thai and a skateboard shoppe. Man do College towns vary AT ALL? Down the street was a Tesco where I imagine the professors dread going and running into their students. The most notable part of the day was that our drerssing room was situated so that anyone going from the floor of the venue to the Wildhearts dressing room, the dressing room for the band playing in the smaller room upstairs, the venue managers office, or the production office, had to walk through our dresssing room. And between our dressing room and the venue floor was the EMT / Triage station. Awesome.
Dec 08 making tragedy happen in the uk v 1.4
Up and at ‘em Thursday morning for the 6 hour drive to Glasgow. Was quite looking forward to the drive as it’s supposed to be some beautiful countryside, but with all the snow, rain, and fog, we could rarely see more than 20 meters in front of us. So it was a good chance to listen to all the Klaus Nomi records I’d been meaning to get through. I’d been hearing that Glasgow was like a time machine, and for the little part of it we saw, it was straight outta 1976. A very drunken 1976. As soon as we got to the venue and walked inside, one of the crew guys said “You guys must be Tragedy. Which one of you is Jake?” I said me and he said “Your mum has been here, and went out to get a coffee. She told us all to keep a good close eye on ya.” There’s no keeping Estelle dfown. I knew she’s own that town.

making tragedy happen in the uk v 1.3
Somehow I managed to sleep for 12 hours. Amazing. Load in wasnt til 3pm, so I went out for a run. Running is nice in a park. or a desolate road. Or on a treadmill. But since there were none of those at my disposal, I made my way through Sheffield City, dodging holiday shoppers, sidewalks and curbs, uneven cobblestones and traffic that always seemed to be coming from the wrong side. I managed to get in 30 minutes, including 5 minutes of running up and down a set of 20 steps in front of the church that housed the classical music concert. Got back to the hotel, had some lunch and it was time to head to the venue. YAY. Its about time we get to rock. Got the the venue, met up with Toby the Wildhearts Merch Maven, wandered around the floor of the venue, taking it all in, admiring the big stage we were set to rock, and saw Ginger walking around talking on the phone. Here we were, at the club, so close to rockin I could almost smell it. Toby asked me if I wanted to go upstairs and have a look around. I grabbed my bag and followed Toby up the stairs, figuring if the venue was this grand, then I couldnt WAIT to see what the dressing rooms had in store. Got to the top of the stairs, flung the doors open triumphantly, and I almost shit. I was in the smaller room I had seen last night. And the Wildhearts were onstage soundchecking. At first
making tragedy happen in the uk v 1.2
Mom and I arose before the sun. Which isnt saying much because the sun doesnt shine to often on Londowntown. In the 1600s they used to say “The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire” I think that can still be said today, because in order for the sun to set, it would need to actually shine first.